

domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

6th Primary ( 4 days work 27th . 30 th ) Friday no school

Let´s watch these stories . Write questions and answers on your notebook and SEND ME A PHOTO TO MY EMAIL (with your name )

1.- questions

a. what did Aladdin sell in the  market ?
b.Describe the man he met:
c.what did the man have in his hand ?
d. What was inside the hole ?
e.How many wishes does he have ?
f. What did the King want from the mum ?
g. The last desire of Aladdin is :

1. What does the prince want ?
2.What does the girl want?
3. What does the mother put in?
4. What is the moral of the story ?

3.-Al principio en   Fun Games & Exercises For Beginners 

tenéis un listado de juegos de memoria , de unir, del ahorcado ......Tenéís que jugar a todos los que podáis y cuando me mandéis la foto de las historias me tenéis que decir qué juego os ha gustado más
click here and play

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