

domingo, 5 de abril de 2020

4th Secondary ( 6th 7th 8 th ) 3 days work because Easter begins on Thursday

Helloooooo, Can you watch the video ? Last week we started with Reported Speech statements ( enunciativas ) Today questions , pay attention

1.- Watch

 remember that you have to change : the order of the sentence , and also the tense . NEVER write this ........? never the interrogative sign 

3.- Now go to this link and do the exercise in your notebook  :click and do the exercise , later correct;

SONGS ( the chosen for this week are 2, choose 1 )  2 more the next 
En cada canción tenéis que encontrar ciertas cosas leer bien


1.-  Exercises with the song : 
a. Qué significa en la canción I couldn´t help
b.Escribe los verbos irregulares en pasado que veas
c.Solve´em : qué es esa em ?


1.- write 1 future 
2.-  Write a second conditional
3.- write a first conditional
4.- averigua qué es : She ain´t you
5.-5 irregular verbs in the past
6.- a Phrasal verb : for ex: look after

Mandarme una mona con Glovo anda 
Ana no arranques hojas que te veo venir 👅👅👅👅👅

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